The Law of Notice and Warning [12 Month Zoom Class]




Most of us often hear it said “You never know what tomorrow will bring or what God is going to do”. It is also said “I could walk out this morning and be hit by a truck or a bus!”

Does this attitude coincide with Scripture which says to us in Amos 3:3 that God will do nothing unless he first reveals it to his servants, the Prophets.

Further we are told in Deut. 29:29 (“The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law”.)  – Believers are being caught b y surprise just as the world is in tragedies, mishaps accidents, etc and this ought not be.

The class on Notice and Warning will prepare you to recognize God’s warnings defined by us as being made aware of an incident or occurrence prior to its happening that presents danger, great bodily harm or perhaps death.

Notice on the other hand, is one being made aware of a future occurrence that offers or presents opportunity. And unfortunately often times we miss the opportunities because we do not recognize the notices that have come to us.

The Law of Notice and Warning Zoom Class

Former Judge Fred M. Mosely will host a Zoom class on The Law of Notice and Warning beginning January 6th. The remainder of the sessions will continue the first Thursday of every month during the evening hours. Specific time TBD.

By purchasing this product, you will get access to the Zoom Class and a mailed copy of the Workbook and Textbook needed for the class. Information on the Zoom class will be emailed closer to the date of the first session (Thursday, January 6th).

There is no fee to participate in the zoom class, however free will gifts to Justice Ministries International will be accepted and appreciated.